90-Day-Action Plan To Build Credibility & Perform in Leadership Role
If I was in your place joining my first leadership role
I would spend my FIRST 90 DAYS like this to prove myself.
Download this 90 Day Action Plan >> Customise for my role >> Act >> Review
Me & my team has helped ~100 leaders settle in their new job & that experience has come in handy. Also, a big shoutout to these thought leaders whose ideas helped us build this action plan
- Patrick Ducasse (Core Team, Boston Consulting Group)
- Tom Lutz (Vice Chairman, Boston Consulting Group)
- Franziska Hinkelmann (Principal Manager, Microsoft)
With long hours and hard work, I have put together this 90 Day Action Plan that drives impactful outcomes.
I'm sharing it for free so that it can become your tool to success & help you level up.
You can claim your access by clicking on this link 👇 I wanted to share the Action Plan but
It's not a guide. I made it into a Plan with a Template that you can readily use.
It's a Leadership Empowering tool where:
✔️ You add input
✔️ Devise 30 days strategies at a time
✔️ Plan impactful & purpose-driven action
✔️ Check off key tasks
✔️ Review your accomplishments
✔️ & Your challenges
Thereby, step-by-step build your leadership stance in the new role.
During my research, I also found that successful leadership transitions result in 90% higher likelihood that teams will meet their performance goals. This figure is backed by McKinsey.
This 90 Day Action Plan will help you achieve these wins:
Configure Leader’s expectations
Set your project & organizational priorities
Establish credibility in the eyes of the C-suite
Build coalition team for strong influence
Build momentum at the maturity of your 90-day-plan.